Paolo Brambillla

Prof. Paolo Brambilla is a psychiatrist and researcher with a remarkable track record of international scientific projects and publications (H-index 60), being his contributions to the field of psychiatry honored by prestigious foundations. With over 400 published articles, he has established himself as a leading authority, particularly in the areas of bipolar disorders and psychiatric neuroimaging.

Currently, he is full professor of Psychiatry at the University of Milan, Italy, and at the University of Houston, Texas, USA, and is Director of the Department of Mental Health at the Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico in Milan. He is also Co-Chair of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) Neuroimaging Section and of the EPA Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section, Co-Chair of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Neuroimaging Section, and Councillor of the ECNP Executive Committee. He is CoEditor-in- Chief of Journal of Affective Disorders (JAD) and JAD-Reports and Editor-in-Chief of Minerva Psychiatry.

Prof. Brambilla's research interests have recently focused on perinatal psychopathology, immunoinflammation, foeto-neonatal brain development, other than on major psychoses and affective disorders.